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Roundtable II - Preparedness
Time: 4.00-6:00 PM (TBC)

The Untapped Potential of Public-Private Partnerships for Resilient Health Systems

How Can the Business and Finance Be Part of Capacity Building and Early Warning Systems?

This roundtable will discuss recommendations on how we can adapt, create and finance better systems for preparedness that help us monitor and manage the spread of infectious diseases. With a whole-of-society approach, what is the role of civil society and the private sector in future preparedness solutions, and what are the key public-private partnership solutions? How can early warning systems be best implemented globally? What are the pressure points in capacity building?

Jacobs_Speaker_Nino Kharishvili_edited.jpg

Dr Nino Kharaishvili

Global Solutions Director, Health Systems Governance, Jacobs

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André Schneider

CEO, Geneva Airport

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