Francoise Vanni
Director of External Relations and Communications, The Global Fund
Françoise Vanni joined the Global Fund in 2018 and now heads the External Relations and Communications Division. The division includes four departments: Communications, Donor Relations, Political and Civil Society Advocacy, and Private Sector Engagement.
Vanni has more than 25 years of leadership experience in resource mobilization and advocacy, and extensive field experience in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Early in her career, Vanni served as country representative in Angola and in Cuba for Médecins du Monde.
Vanni served as communications chief for UNICEF in Mexico, before serving Oxfam GB as a regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Mexico. Later she was Oxfam’s campaigns and policy director based in the United Kingdom. Most recently, Vanni was director of external relations and communications for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)